Stump Grinding

Stump Grinding

cutting tool above the tree

When you have a tree removed from your property (or remove one yourself) the stump of the tree will be left behind. The stump is not something that is easily removed, as the tools used to remove a tree are not the same as those that you use to remove the stump.

What is stump grinding?

A stump grinder is a specialized piece of equipment designed for the sole purpose of breaking down a stump into wood chips and leaving only a hole where the stump used to be. It has a circular saw attached to the front of it that makes this work easy (for a professional). The process itself is quite laborious, as the saw does not break large chunks away from the stump, but rather breaks the stump into small chips, which makes the process time-consuming and physically exhaustive. Once this process is complete, the stump is left below ground level and the hole that is left can be filled to appear as if nothing was ever there.

Can I make use of the wood chips left behind?

As with any service that we offer, we consider an effective clean up a critical part of our work. Stump grinding leaves behind a large number of wood chips – a lot more than you may initially think. These wood chips do not have to go to waste though. Wood chips make for a fantastic mulch for other sections of your garden. While it is always sad to see a tree go, with it comes some solace in the knowledge that its remnants help to grow other parts of your garden. Another use for wood chips can be to use them to fill the hole left behind after the stump has been removed. Many homeowners prefer to purchase soil and fill the hole with that, though the option is yours entirely! No matter what you decide, Tree Services Aurora will ensure that your wishes are met.

Is this something that I can DIY?

Stump grinding can be incredibly dangerous, given the nature of the machine used to conduct the work and the fact that debris can become airborne and cause harm. If you do not have training in operating this machine, as well as the appropriate gear to conduct this work, we advise that you do not attempt to do this yourself. Beyond the safety aspect, you should consider the amount of work that you will have to do. Most stump grinders available for hire are smaller than professional machines and will require a lot more physical effort to operate than professional stump grinders. In summary, work like this is best left to professionals!

Why use Tree Service Aurora?

Each of our tree-specialists is trained to handle the equipment we use for stump grinding. Our tree removal service coupled with our stump grinding service offers you a comprehensive service that guarantees results without you having to lift a finger. We also hold all the relevant insurance required to conduct this work. Because stump grinders send sharp wood chips flying, there is always a risk of damage to property and though we ensure we limit the risk where this is concerned, there is still a risk of damage. It is important to consider this if you are considering doing this work yourself. If you would like more information about this, give us a call today.

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